Hot to get from Salzburg to Hallstatt

Both Hallstatt and Salzburg exemplify the visual ideal for every traveler in Austria - quaint towns nestled in the mountains, snow-packed in winter, grass-green in summer, and beautiful all year round. Visit Hallstatt for a taste of village life, and Salzburg to fulfill your musical dreams - and cross two UNESCO World Heritage Sites off your bucket list. If you decide to take a car transfer from Salzburg to Hallstatt, you can also enjoy some exceptional sights, including the dominating Werfen Ice Caves dominating Werfen Ice Caves, powerful Hohenwerfen Fortress, historic Hallein, lakeside Sankt Gilgen, and picturesque towns of Sankt Wolfgang and Bad Ischl. 

How to get from Salzburg to Hallstatt

If you’re traveling from Salzburg to Hallstatt, you have several travel options. For travelers on a budget, the train is the cheapest way to travel from Salzburg to Hallstatt. The fastest way to travel from Salzburg to Hallstatt is by bus or car, though a car is of course the best way to travel from Salzburg to Hallstatt since it’s so convenient. 

Salzburg to Hallstatt by train

To travel from Salzburg to Hallstatt by train, you need to get to the Hallstatt Main Train Station and purchase a ticket toSalzburg Hbf, or you can buy your tickets in advance online. The earliest train is at 4:36 AM, and the last train is at 10:12 AM, with trains departing on average once per hour. The train from Salzburg to Hallstatt is operated by Österreichische Bundesbahnen. Train tickets from Salzburg to Hallstatt cost €9 on average for the 2.5 hour trip (it’s important to note that there are no direct trains, and all trains will change in Attnang-Puchheim). The distance from Salzburg to Hallstatt is about 50 kilometers.Trains have bathrooms on board, and usually offer a dining car.

Train intervals

1 hour

First/Last Departure

4:36 AM/10:12 AM

Avg. Price



~50 km


~2 hr 20 min

Operating Companies

Österreichische Bundesbahnen 

Salzburg to Hallstatt by bus

To travel from Salzburg to Hallstatt by bus, it’s important to note that there are no buses which go to Hallstatt directly. Instead, you must take the train to Bad Ischl, and from there it is possible to take a train from Bad Ischl Bahnhof Bus Terminal to Hallstatt Train Station (about 20 minutes). While you can buy your ticket at the station, it’s best to purchase them in advance. When going to Bad Ischl, the earliest bus is at 8:15 AM, and the last bus is at 9:45 AM, with just 4 busses leaving during the morning and no other buses throughout the day. The bus from Salzburg to Hallstatt/Bad Ischl is run by Österreichische Bundesbahnen. Bus tickets to Bad Ischl cost €11 for the 1.5 hour trip (not including the train ticket from Bad Ischl to Hallstatt, approximately  €5). The total distance from Salzburg to Hallstatt is 50 kilometers.

Time intervals

1 per hour

First/Last Departure

8:15 AM/9:45 AM

Avg. Price



~50 km


~1.5 hr

Operating Companies

Österreichische Bundesbahnen

Salzburg to Hallstatt Private Car Transfer

For speed and convenience, a private car transfer with Daytrip is the best way to travel from Salzburg to Hallstatt. You will be picked up at your accommodation in Salzburg, and the driver will take care of your luggage. You’ll then be able to enjoy door-to-door service to your accommodation in Hallstatt, and can even add sightseeing stops on the way!

Team Daytrip

Your authority on door-to-door private car services for any vacation.

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How to get from Hallstatt to Salzburg (2023 Guide)